Monday, November 21, 2016

Be Right Back… After I die.

What is a person? The most obvious answer would be a combination of physical and psychological parameters that define a human being.
Now, think about how you interact with most people on a daily basis. You speak to your friends on Whatsapp, you call your parents, you hear about your relatives’ lives on Facebook. Does this mean that the XXI century human being will no longer be physical?

The digitalization of our communications and life aspects brings about a creepy thought: the companies that have access to our data easily know everything about us: how and to whom we speak, what we like, what we buy, who we care about, and much more. And, since you are reading MachinaAI, you are already aware that they know how our intelligence works. Did you connect the dots? Our personality can now be replicated.

In a not so long future, the organizations that control our data could create our alter ego on an electronic device, mimicking our voices and frequently used expressions!
This step would be a significant milestone for humans, as we would no longer have to accept death, and denying it could become common. Calling or texting your deceased husband, wife, father or daughter will become possible.

Dying in the future will be a mere physiological need, and our personalities and intelligences will be kept forever. This means that all this plausible developments also have a happy side: mental and personality disorders could become a thing of the past, and Alzheimer would no longer erase a mind out of this world.
After all, sometime in the near future we could all meet in San Junipero, and  up until now technology has brought us a better world to live in.

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