Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Artificially Intelligent lawyer has suited up!!!!

So what is the latest thing that many of the law firms are intent on hiring? Is it a bird…is it a plane…it’s a robot lawyer!!! Jokes aside, what is a robot lawyer and how are the law firms benefiting from hiring one…those are the questions of the hour.

A good example of a robot lawyer or an artificially intelligent lawyer is ROSS, a product of the company ROSS Intelligence. ROSS is the world’s first digital attorney. It understands natural language legal questions and provides expert answers instantly, along with other relevant information -- cutting down substantially on legal research time and energy. Marketed as a “an AI lawyer that helps human lawyers research faster and focus on advising clients”, law firms big or small are eager to hire and are hiring this lawyer. ROSS is not the only one. Many lawtech firms are being hired by law firms to introduce and further improve the applications of A.I. in the world of law.

So how do the law firms benefit from this technology? Law firms are investing large amount of funds in this technology as they view it as a means not only to make their internal processes more efficient but also to provide the best possible services to their clients. Since the A.I. lawyer will greatly reduce the time required for research, lawyers will be able to concentrate more on the high value complex work. Smaller firms too are interested in this technology to become more competitive globally.

A.I. has taken its first few steps into the legal world and as it becomes more capable, more will it integrate into this world. Just imagine a court trial in the future where the judge, the defence lawyer and the prosecutor are Artificially Intelligent lawyers. Maybe I am just letting my imaginations run wild…. or maybe…  this could just happen.

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